Are you rowing or steering? Part 2 of 2

Moellering boat pic

In our last blog post below, we discussed whether you’re rowing or steering your business and said it depends on which way you’re facing.

Today, we want to give you simple sentence to remember the difference. Read each sentence below and note the preposition (short italicized word).

Rowing: You work IN the business instead of ON the business.

Steering: You work ON the business instead of IN the business.

If you’re rowing, you’re bogged down in the day-to-day operations of your business. In contrast, if you’re steering, you’re in the ideal position to take it to the next level. Which sentence best describes you?

To learn more about rowing versus steering or see if you qualify for a free assessment, contact:

Tom Moellering, president
888-906-4111, x302

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