Posts Tagged ‘hiring’

Three sure-fire ways to sabotage your new hire

August 6, 2014

If you like what you see here, check out the longer version of this article published in Inside Indiana Business.

Are you inadvertently undermining the success of your new hire? Here are three common mistakes employers make in the early stages of onboarding.

  1. Fail to prepare work essentials.
    Before your employee sets foot on your grounds, make sure you have everything ready that he needs to perform his job: ID, desk, computer, phone, security codes, email address, system logins, parking pass and so on. A tiny welcome gift is also a nice touch—anything from a note on his desk to a company T-shirt.
  1. Keep the new hire’s arrival a secret.
    Make sure you inform the front desk and the new hire’s department of the employee’s start date. Designate someone to meet her in the lobby, and make sure her manager or supervisor is available to spend some time with her the first day.
  1. View onboarding as a one-time event.
    According to TTI Success Insights, the onboarding process should last six months. It should be personal, purposeful and focused on setting up your employee for success.

To learn more about onboarding or see if you qualify for a free assessment, contact:

Tom Moellering, president
888-906-4111, x302

Let your job talk

May 9, 2014

Job benchmarking. It’s the best way to get the right people in the right job, whether you’re in the midst of hiring, succession planning or employee development.

The key? Let the job talk.

Imagine, for example, if your job could talk, what talent would it identify as being critical for consistent superior performance? Completing this exercise will help you determine if your candidate has the talent necessary to do the job.

In addition, through job benchmarking, you’ll:

  • Define why the position exists
  • Identify what really matters in the job
  • Discover behaviors, motivators, skills and acumen needed for the job and candidate
  • Create a tangible, objective framework for the review process
  • Provide a solid foundation for coaching, hiring and onboarding

Laying the foundation for talent management has never been easier. All you have to do is listen.

To learn more about benchmarking or see if you qualify for a free assessment, contact:

Tom Moellering, president
888-906-4111, x302

Avoid cloning yourself when hiring

April 13, 2014

Remember Dolly the Sheep? In 1996, she was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Cloning is rare in the animal world, but in the business world—well, it’s all too common.

In fact, one of the top hiring mistakes is to hire someone just like you. That’s because we’re drawn to people who are similar to ourselves. And left to our own subjective methods, we tend to hire people who are just like us.

Assembling a strong team means you need ALL KINDS of the right players, not lots of “Little Dollys” running around.

The next time you hire someone, avoid relying on your gut or intuition. Instead, use assessments to identify the skills and talents you need. The difference is “unbaaaaa-lievable”!



To learn more about hiring assessments or see if you qualify for a free assessment, contact:

Tom Moellering, president
888-906-4111, x302


What’s the big deal about assessments?

March 2, 2014

Some leaders think assessments are a waste of time and money. We disagree.

Companies that use assessments make better decisions about people and placement—and that always leads to a stronger bottom line.

Assessments provide you with valuable data and insight about an employee, job, team or job candidate. They also help you:

  • Ÿ  Hire the right employees for the right positions
  • Ÿ  Communicate with your employees
  • Ÿ  Increase engagement and interaction
  • Ÿ  Increase productivity
  • Ÿ  Manage and motivate 

Don’t take our word about assessments. Experience it yourself. Contact us today to see if you qualify for a free assessment ($300 value).

To learn more about assessments or see if you qualify for a free assessment, contact:

Tom Moellering, president
888-906-4111, x302